Contractors must be accepted to a posted shift on Bacon before they can begin working.
If a contractor shows up to work and has not been accepted through the Bacon platform, the company should either turn the contractor away or add them to the shift through the platform before they begin working.
If the contractor cannot be found on the platform and added to the shift, the company must turn the worker away.
If the company allows a contractor to work that is not accepted to the shift, The company will also still be responsible for insurance coverage should the worker be injured on the shift.
If a contractor shows up for a shift they have not been accepted to and works anyway, If any of the above occurs more than one time, the company will be charged
For information on how to add a worker to a shift please watch this video How to add a worker to a shift
Why the policy?
Instead of posting a shift on Bacon and accepting contractors to the shift, many companies are having Bacon contractors work a shift that hasn't been posted, then sending an email after the shift is done with the contractors’ names and hours in an effort to get them paid.
This has caused many issues:
Our support team has been inundated with requests to manually complete the processes the platform was built to do, wasting valuable resources that should be used to improve your experience in more important ways.
Contractors have been frustrated because it causes a delay in their pay. The extra steps it takes to manually verify and pay an unaccepted worker takes a significantly greater amount of time. Contractors want to work for companies who will pay them quickly through the platform as advertised, and we’ve seen that companies who do their part in making that happen have a higher fill rate.
It’s a huge liability issue. If a contractor who has not been accepted to a shift is injured, the liability would fall on the company, not Bacon.