More and more Bacon shifts are including tips, but how do they work?

You've probably noticed more and more shifts on Bacon are including tips, and maybe you've already worked a shift with tips as part of the payment. This article answers some of the most common questions about how tips work with Bacon!

Why aren't my tips included in my payout? 

Because of how we process tips, they aren't included in your payout. We need to process your tips independently because not everyone on your shift will be getting the same tips, and the amount in tips being paid out is different shift to shift. We also have to wait on the business to send the tips to us, and separating the tips from your normal payout allows us to get you your hourly pay for the shift without having to wait to receive the tips. 

When will I get my tips? 

We try to get the tips processed as quickly as possible, but we are limited at times because the businesses have to calculate tips for each individual Bacon worker. Typically, we are able to get tips processed within 4-6 business days. Please take into consideration the delay when you pick up shifts with tips included.

How can I tell if a shift offers tips? 

Shifts with tips can be great opportunities to get some extra cash for your hustle! There are a couple of different ways that you might be able to tell that a shift includes tips. The first way you can tell is because many employers will put it in their shift title and or description. Look for phrases like +tips or tips included in the job posting. You can also see in the screenshot below that the payout for the shift is abnormally low, this usually means that the bulk of the payment for the shift is expected to be provided by tips and can be a good indicator. This isn't a foolproof rule, there are some shifts for short periods of time that have low payouts, but it can help!