It's crucial that you have the correct information on your account so we can get you your payments from working shifts. Below you'll find a step-by-step process for Everee on how to change important information on your account and make sure everything is in good standing! 

How to Update your Everee Account Information

1. You should have received a text and email from Everee when you linked a bank account on the Bacon app. 

  • Note: Linking a bank account to the Bacon app automatically creates an Everee account for you.

2. If you have never accessed your Everee account before, download the Everee app.

3. You should be able to login to Everee using the same email on your Bacon account for your username.

4. If it asks you for a password, please click the forgot password button to reset/create a password for yourself. 

5. Once you have logged into your account, click on the circle in the top right-hand corner with your first initial in it.

6. Next click on “Account”. Once here you can choose what you need to update from the menu listed here. Personal information, your address, how you receive notifications, and your tax information is all listed here! 

7. To update your Direct Deposit information, click on payment methods.

  • Note: if you want to change what bank account your payments are sent to you will need to delete the account that you had previous payments routed to Before you add your updated account.  

We hope this article was helpful! If you have further questions feel free to reach out to!